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Method of removing wet cold

Method of removing wet cold

The first method is to add some spicy and warm food to the diet, which can remove the damp and cold. Method
The efficacy and function of ginger tea with brown sugar

The efficacy and function of ginger tea with brown sugar

1. Ginger tea with brown sugar can remove stomach cold, warm stomach and warm palace: Modern women often have symptoms of cold palace due to the problems of diet and living habits (often eating cold f
Gastric cold is also a gastrointestinal disease caused by cold

Gastric cold is also a gastrointestinal disease caused by cold

Gastric cold is also a gastrointestinal disease caused by cold. The main causes of stomach cold are bad dietary habits such as eating uncontrolled, often eating cold drinks or cold food. In addition, the fast pace of life, mental stress, more likely to lead to stomach disease. So we need to develop good eating habits, and stomach cold patients can eat more pepper pork belly soup, ginger water.
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